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HST University offers ongoing training opportunities based on your needs! Purchase available Workshops below OR Login to gain access to your account and assigned courses.

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  Our HST Case Coordination - Surgery Boards & Ride Texting ONLY OnDemand Workshop is designed for intermediate HST Case Coordination users with a focus on Schedulers and Super Admins that utilize and manage HST Case Coordination at their facilities. This OnDemand Workshop will offer new and existing users a refresh on best practices through a series of training videos, articles, simulations, and knowledge checks.    Fully customizable for each of your departments, this OnDemand Workshop will explore digital Surgery Boards. Information is power, and HST Case Coordination digital surgery boards allow your staff to know exactly what’s going on throughout your center. Fully informed staff leads to better patient care and seamless patient flow.   And keep family and friends in the loop on your patient’s case status with automated text alerts with Ride Texting. From “In Pre-Op” to “In Post-Op”, your patients’ loved ones stay informed and at ease as we master workflows for HST Case Coordination ride texting in this OnDemand Workshop. Estimated Time: 60 minutes Read more

The HST Practice Management Billing Specialist OnDemand Workshop + Certification is designed for intermediate through advanced skill-level users - specifically for billing purposes. Join us as we uncover the core billing elements of HST Practice Management through this time-flexible, virtual experience. We'll explore essential features, streamline your workflows with your teams, and empower you to offer seamless efficient patient care. Together, we'll dive into interactive sessions, share best practices, and equip you with a comprehensive knowledge base. Successful completion of the cumulative final assessment will result in an HST Practice Management Billing Specialist Certification - which is valid for one year from its earned date.  This OnDemand Workshop will feature pre-recorded topic overviews conducted by our own subject matter experts that provide an in-depth look at each topic, comprehensive reading articles with step-by-step directions, and hands-on simulation tasks to immerse you into real-life software scenarios using HST Practice Management. Completion of each video, article, and check on learning is required to progress to the next topic and receive the final certification.    Flexible OnDemand Learning Experience: Once purchased and unlocked in your HST University dashboard, you'll enjoy the flexibility of our OnDemand Workshop - feel free to keep it for as long as you need and complete it at your own pace. There will be a “suggested” due date of 7 days that will come with automated email reminders for those who like to keep to a schedule. Don’t fret if your schedule is busy and you can’t finish within 7 days – the OnDemand Workshop is still flexible, and you can still complete it at your own pace. Once you finish our OnDemand Workshop, you will continue to have access to it, too, in your HST University dashboard. We believe in providing you with the freedom and flexibility to empower you to learn on your terms!   Estimated total amount of learning time for our HST Practice Management Billing Specialist OnDemand Workshop: Approximately 10 hours   Read more

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